Knot a Newbie?

At Climb On, experienced climbers have a wide range of options to choose from. With levels available for both beginners and advanced climbers, there is something for everyone. Lead climbing is also available for those looking to take on more challenging routes, and the gym has a reputation for a good route turnover, ensuring fresh and exciting climbs for returning visitors. Additionally, Climb On offers advanced lessons for climbers looking to refine their skills and take their climbing to the next level.

Experienced Options

Climb On Safety Class

$30 w/ equipment

$23 w/o equipment

The "Climb On Safety Class" is a mandatory session for all first-time visitors at Climb On. This class provides a comprehensive explanation of how to effectively use the gym, including safety instructions and guidelines. Participants will receive a thorough tour of the gym, allowing them to become familiar with the different areas and equipment. The class also includes a day pass for participants to continue climbing after the session, as well as an auto-belay check and a belay check if needed. Equipment can be provided for participants who do not own their own gear. Maximum of 3 climbers. (Ages 14+) Additionally anyone under the age of 14 years requires a parent to complete the lesson and stay with the climber the entire session. We require one adult per two children.

* Appointment Required *

$80 non-members

    $62 members

The lead class at Climb On is a comprehensive training session that focuses on teaching proper lead climbing and lead belaying techniques. Participants will learn essential skills such as rope management, clipping, and catching falls. The class includes a day pass to Climb On, a three-hour instruction period, and all necessary rental gear for the day. Top Rope Belay Certification Required. Redpoint 5.10a suggested. To book an appointment for the lead class click here
(Class size 2-4)

Outdoor Cleaning Class

$50 non-members

    $32 members

The outdoor cleaning class at Climb On is an informative session that covers cleaning and rappelling techniques for outdoor sport routes. Participants will learn the proper gear and rope management required for cleaning routes safely. The class includes a day pass, one and a half-hour instruction, and all rental gear needed for the day. Lead Belay Certification Required. Can be done in addition to the Lead Lesson. To book an appointment for the outdoor cleaning class click here
(Class Size 1-4)

Heightened curiosity?

See what Climb On has to offer!